If you thought Sam Shipley and Jeff Halmos were just two fun-loving guys trying to make a good time out of any situation, you’d be correct. Case in point: one of them has a Freddy Kruger statue chilling out in his fridge. The two friends also happen to be the names and brains behind an ever-growing style and design firm forged from this very same easy, fun-loving attitude.
Founded in 2007 after a transcontinental move from the West Coast to New York — where, we might add, they still sometimes decry the lack of good burrito options — Shipley & Halmos has dabbled in everything from men’s clothing and accessories to art and furniture. In the beginning of this year, the jacks of all trades launched S&H Publishers to release indie-published books, zines and other printed matter, while their prowess on the sartorial front recently included an expansion into shoes and formalwear. And when it comes to tuxes, they’re not monkeying around.
URL: http://www.foodrepublic.com/2011/10/12/shipley-halmos-dress-sharp-eat-well
What are some of your favorite places to eat in the city? Jeff Halmos: That's a loaded question. New York is filled with so many great restaurants, it sometimes gets overwhelming. I usually try new spots around my apartment in Williamsburg. I'm especially anxious for Motorino to open up again!
Last great memorable meal? Sam Shipley: Lobster bake at a really special wedding.
Do you like to cook? JH: My girlfriend loves to cook. My job is usually place setter, wine pourer, vegetable chopper, dessert preparer and dishwasher.We make a pretty solid team.
So that still earns you some menu input rights, yeah? JH: This summer, my personal obsession was eggplant. We cooked it in various ways — grilling is the best, especially with other vegetables.
Do you pay attention to food labels when you cook or eat? SS: My girlfriend and I don't take too much stock in "label lookin’" when we shop. We're more into balanced nutrition. Greens and proteins!
What does the inside of your fridge look like? JH: We have a Freddie Kruger statue in it!
Whoa. And your drink of choice? SS: Lagered beer of all kinds — I seriously don't think I could go without this.
And sweet tooth cravings? JH: The chocolate, caramel and sea salt tart from Marlow & Sons.
Did your diet change when you moved in with your significant other? SS: YES. Allison is wonderful in the kitchen and has greatly enriched my culinary life.
Ha! How so? SS: If I were a bachelor, I'd be a slob. Although I can make some great scrambled eggs.
How would you describe your daily uniform? JH: Desert boots, straight leg skinny jeans, woven shirt, either blazer or leather jacket in fall.
S&H just launched formalwear and shoes for fall — are you dress-up kinds of guys yourselves? SS: When the time is right I love to get cleaned up. It's refreshing to step outside my daily uniform.
Any tips for how to really kill it in a tux? JH: Make sure it fits your body type — fit is KEY! And go with the classic: black blazer and pants, clean white shirt, black skinny tie or bow tie, a pair of black shoes and a white pocket square for good measure. I know that sounds boring, but honestly, if you can pull it off right, you'll look like a badass. Simple as that.
Good advice. How about you? What's the best sartorial advice you've received? SS: Never try to be something your not. It’s not necessarily sartorial advice but it rings true for everything I do.